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Application Awareness

Through Application Awareness, our platform ensures that the network can apply intelligence to the applications being transported over it.

This is crucial to optimize application performance and thereby enhance the overall user experience.

Application identification

Using Application Awareness makes it possible to accurately identify and classify any form of traffic on the network based on the specific application being used.

This allows you to gain detailed insights into which applications are being used, when, and where, enabling the platform to make intelligent traffic management decisions based on the requirements of each application.

Bandwidth optimization

By understanding which applications have priority, the underlying network can dynamically adjust routing and bandwidth allocation. This prioritization ensures that critical business applications receive preferential treatment, leading to improved performance and a better user experience.

Quality of Service

Understanding the applications allows the network to apply a Quality of Service policy based on the requirements of specific applications. This enables more effective allocation of network resources and ensures consistent performance, even during periods of increased traffic.


Application awareness plays a key role in enhancing security. By understanding application behaviors, the network can quickly detect deviations that may indicate potential threats.

It enables advanced security measures such as blocking unauthorized applications or implementing specific security policy rules for certain applications.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Application Awareness differ from traditional traffic identification in networks?

Traditional traffic identification is based on identifying protocols and ports, whereas Application Awareness goes deeper by recognizing specific applications. This allows the platform to optimize traffic based on the specific needs and characteristics of each application.

How does Application Awareness benefit an implementation?

Application Awareness enhances network performance by prioritizing critical applications, minimizing latency for real-time applications, and optimizing available bandwidth based on the requirements of each application. This results in an improved user experience.

How can Application Awareness be used for Quality of Service within the platform?

With Application Awareness, QoS policies can be specifically applied to different applications. This means critical applications receive priority for bandwidth and lower latency, thereby improving overall quality of service.

Is it possible to set custom policies based on Application Awareness?

Yes, the Wanscale platform allows you to set custom policies. This includes defining priorities, managing bandwidth, and applying specific rules for individual applications.

Does AA apply to both internal and external applications?

Yes, this applies to both internal and external applications. This capability allows the Wanscale platform to provide consistent performance and security, whether the applications are located in the local network or in the cloud.

How can Application Awareness contribute to more efficient bandwidth usage?

Application awareness enables the Wanscale platform to allocate bandwidth more effectively based on the needs of each application. This reduces excessive bandwidth usage by non-critical applications, thereby creating more capacity for important applications.

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Wanscale B.V.
Straatweg 60
3604 BC Maarssen

Wanscale makes networks intelligent, secure, and easy to manage.