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Customer stories

Distribution center

A distribution center with 6 major locations in the Netherlands relies heavily on IT and has a primary requirement for network and application availability approaching 100%.

All logistics processes within the company depend on cloud-based applications, and any disruption brings almost everything within the distribution centers to a standstill.


Dependent on connectivity and AWS

The client uses various logistics applications running in the Amazon AWS environment. All owned vehicles are equipped with onboard computers capable of exchanging messages and data. External carriers utilize an electronic messaging platform.


For each location, the client has two fiber optic connections with redundancy via VRRP and BGP. At four locations, a microwave link serves as a third connection, while the remaining two locations utilize Starlink.

This setup ensures that the client has three broadband connections at each location, each from at least two different providers.

Our solution

Wanscale has provided its platform and Service Edges to utilize and connect all broadband connections at the locations to the VNET.

This way, Wanscale provides the complete connectivity solution for the client. This setup achieves uptime approaching 100% due to the redundant configuration of all connectivity components, hardware, and cloud applications.

For the connection to Amazon AWS, we utilize our Cloud Connect, which is seamlessly integrated with the Wanscale platform.

The Wanscale solution seamlessly switches from one connection to another in the event of even the smallest disruption within any of the Internet Service Providers’ domains.

Since the implementation of the Wanscale platform, the client has experienced unparalleled uptime and exceptional user experience with all utilized applications.

All systems are always ‘up and running’ and perform exceptionally well.

In addition to these benefits, the client values the visibility into all network components as a significant advantage.

Schematic representation

Klantcase distributiecentrum

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Wanscale B.V.
Straatweg 60
3604 BC Maarssen

Wanscale makes networks intelligent, secure, and easy to manage.