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Customer stories

Educational institution

An educational institution, active in secondary education, has schools at 12 locations, with a total of approximately 7,000 students.

All school locations physically use fiber optic connections. Logically, all locations are connected in an any-to-any Ethernet VPN. The central breakout to the Internet occurs in the data center.

The school makes extensive use of Microsoft Azure and has connected this cloud environment with a Cloud Connect link.



As in almost every organization, this educational institution also faces evolving needs. It is regularly necessary to adjust the IT infrastructure and the IT environment to changes driven by security or cost savings.


Every school has an extensive WIFI system, used by both teachers and students. WIFI is provided by a third party in a WiFi as a Service concept. Connectivity availability is crucial in this environment, as everything is based on an Electronic Learning Environment (ELE).

Our solution

Wanscale is capable of using its platform to streamline connectivity between all locations, the data center, and the Microsoft Azure environment.

All educational locations are equipped with a redundantly implemented Service Edge.

The Wanscale solution provides a 360-degree overview of all available connectivity and switches from one connection to another as needed.

By using the Wanscale platform, the customer experiences great ease in carrying out migrations, which are necessary to continue providing quality education in the future.

From their Shared Service Center (SSC), they are able to manage all connectivity centrally from a decentralized perspective.

Through the gained insight and simplification of network management, not only is excellent service provided to teachers and students, but management has also been made cost-efficient.

It starts with a plan

“Our motto is ‘Wanscale makes networks intelligent, secure, and easier to manage.’ Our platform delivers on this promise, and to transition from an existing setup to the Wanscale platform, we assist our partners and their direct customers.”

We collaborate in this process by assessing the current situation and potential risks, and together with our partner, we create a suitable plan for implementation.

In this case, a new environment is built alongside the existing one, and both are interconnected with the goal of creating a situation where the educational institution can migrate locations at its own pace.

Hybrid cloud

Building anew is often simpler than renovating. This holds true in IT environments as well, but ignoring old and existing situations and starting completely afresh is usually not an option in most cases.

We created a connection for this client between their regional data center and the Wanscale data centers in the Netherlands. Using the Datacenter Connect service, we linked the existing data center environments.

The educational institution has a clear cloud strategy and has chosen Microsoft Cloud for the future. To achieve this, a Cloud Connect from the Wanscale platform has been established to the educational institution’s Microsoft Cloud tenant.

This has created a hybrid cloud environment where the customer, with the help of a partner, can migrate their environment. Once migrated, the old data center environment can be easily disconnected.

As a result, we not only deliver the final solution but also enjoy collaborating to arrive at the solution together.

Comprehensive network security

The educational institution used to apply security policies per location and configure them manually, which was a cumbersome task across all locations. Through the Wanscale portal, integrated network security is now applied uniformly.

All network security organized in one place and implemented across the entire network from cloud to locations through our network orchestration software. This enhances the overall security level of the network and reduces the likelihood of human errors.

This simplifies management significantly and reduces costs.

Network virtualization

Through network virtualization, we create opportunities for the educational institution to easily add services, increase capacity, or connect external specialized parties.

From the Wanscale platform, we provide virtual cloud firewalls, SASE (Secure Access Service Edge), SOC (Security Operations Center), and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) services, integrating them into the core of the customer’s network. In this scenario, a third-party specialized cybersecurity firm assists the end customer in protecting themselves against cyber threats.

This security partner of the institution is granted delegated access to portions of the educational institution’s environment.

Schematic representation

Klantcase onderwijsinstelling

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Wanscale B.V.
Straatweg 60
3604 BC Maarssen

Wanscale makes networks intelligent, secure, and easy to manage.