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SD Internet

IP addresses

Security and availability through oversight of your publicly used IP addresses ensure optimal control.

IP addresses are commonly known as “the exterior” of corporate networks and serve as the primary entry point for hackers and visibility of users on the internet. Therefore, it is crucial to have a clear policy regarding how users (groups) are visible on the internet and how applications are exposed on the internet.

Often, office locations and data centers have their own internet connections with separate IP ranges. This can lead to a lack of visibility into the exposure to internet-related risks. Additionally, during failover scenarios, the public IP address may change, potentially causing applications to log out logged-in users unexpectedly.

Private IP space

The Wanscale platform features its own independent public IP ranges that can be centrally managed. Even if you have an existing internet connection with potentially changing public IP addresses, such as through 4G or Starlink, you can communicate via our internet-over-internet protocol using the same IP addresses.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I keep using the same IP addresses when traffic is routed over a different connection?

Yes, within the WANScale platform, IP persistence is utilized. This provides several benefits for applications and network administrators. Firstly, it ensures stable and reliable communication between applications and external servers because the application's IP address remains constant, even when traffic is redirected or routed via a different network path. This minimizes interruptions and delays in communication, contributing to a consistent user experience.

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Wanscale B.V.
Straatweg 60
3604 BC Maarssen

Wanscale makes networks intelligent, secure, and easy to manage.