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Is connecting to the multi-cloud costly and complex?

Wanscale universe overview

There is often a misconception that transitioning to a multi-cloud strategy is a costly and complex process. While it does involve technical steps, it is not as daunting as commonly perceived.

Through the Wanscale platform, users can easily monitor and manage various connections, redundancy, and quality to and from the cloud themselves.

If your organization has multiple departments or branches, it may result in multiple cloud environments or the use of multiple SaaS environments or providers. All of this introduces complexity, especially in terms of security and connections.

Wanscale has developed a platform based on SD-WAN and SASE technology that solves this for your organization. Using the Wanscale platform, you consolidate all connectivity to and from various cloud environments and internet access into one platform.

No longer time-consuming

Cloud comes in many shapes and sizes, from Office365 and Google Workspace to more business-specific SaaS applications. It ranges from public or private cloud environments to colocating in a data center. Organizations often perceive a fragmented landscape of connections as costly, time-consuming, and complex.

The opposite is possible. By using the Wanscale platform, tasks such as routers, security, redundancy, and quality of service are automated. The distributed nature of the platform eliminates the need to worry about capacity and scalability for the future.

These matters are handled by the underlying Wanscale SD-WAN platform. You no longer need physical server space, routers, or firewalls yourself. The Wanscale platform takes care of everything related to connectivity and security for you. No more hassle with hardware, no more worries about having enough expertise within the organization. All you need are internet connections, and the great thing is, it doesn’t matter which provider you order them from.

Almost too good to be true and truly revolutionary!

Curious and ready to take on the challenge?

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Arjan Kunstman

Arjan Kunstman

I believe in empowering businesses with the freedom to innovate, grow and thrive in a digitalized landscape. I think it is important to contribute to the digital transformation that every company is going through. I understand better than anyone that every company is unique and has its own specific challenges and goals. That is exactly why I started creating the Wanscale platform with great dedication. We strive for a world in which a network is not a limitation, but a powerful instrument that helps you excel in a dynamic business environment.

Wanscale makes networks intelligent, secure and easy to manage.