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Cloud Connect

Multi Cloud Routing

Utilize Multi Cloud Routing to transform your multi-cloud environment into a clear and manageable entity.

Multi-cloud routing is the process of routing network traffic between different cloud environments, such as public cloud providers (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), private clouds, and hybrid cloud environments.

The goal is to facilitate efficient, secure, and reliable communication between applications, services, and users located in different cloud environments.

Application landscape

Many organizations have structured their application landscape based on a Multi Cloud setup or strategy, often complemented by their own data center environment or on-premise (private cloud) environment.

This diversity of various cloud environments creates challenges in terms of redundancy, overview, and management.

In developing the Wanscale platform, extensive consideration was given not only to connecting locations but also to ensuring the availability and accessibility of applications for users across different cloud environments.

Different combinations

The combination of connections across multiple cloud infrastructures, often combined with multiple providers and equipment, can create either a clear and streamlined setup or unnecessarily complex arrangements.

Within the Wanscale platform, clouds, data centers, and on-premise environments can be easily connected and managed, simplifying all technical complexities into a cohesive and logical whole.

Single management and visibility

Gain insight into all your cloud environments and manage them from a central component within the Wanscale portal.

Completely virtual

The Wanscale platform is entirely virtual, eliminating the need for physical routing equipment. This is ideal for cloud-native organizations and those with dynamic cloud landscapes.


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Frequently asked questions about Multi Cloud Routing

Why should I choose Multi Cloud Routing?

Organizations often choose Multi Cloud Routing for the need for redundancy, resilience, flexibility, and the ability to leverage the best services from various cloud providers. This approach also helps prevent vendor lock-in and allows organizations to benefit from competition among providers.

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Wanscale B.V.
Straatweg 60
3604 BC Maarssen

Wanscale makes networks intelligent, secure, and easy to manage.