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Self Healing Networks

The ability of a network to automatically and proactively identify, isolate, and recover from issues without requiring administrator intervention contributes to ensuring continuous connectivity, optimal performance, and enhanced security.

The Wanscale platform operates on the principles of Self-Healing Networks and is capable, in certain cases, of autonomously correcting issues, resulting in a resilient network that ensures continuity.

Proactive problem detection

Advanced monitoring and analysis tools within the Wanscale platform are used to identify potential issues before they manifest as noticeable disruptions. This is particularly crucial for overall network performance and especially for mission-critical applications.

Isolation of issues

Once a problem is detected, the Wanscale platform automatically isolates the affected part of the network. This prevents disruptions from spreading to other areas of the network, minimizing the impact on overall operations.

Automatic recovery

Within the Wanscale platform, automatic failover to alternative data traffic paths can correct configuration errors.

Additionally, it’s possible to automatically adjust route choices within the network based on current network status and performance, thus preventing unnecessary downtime.


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Frequently Asked Questions about Self Healing Networks

What is meant by Self Healing Networks within the Wanscale platform?

Self Healing Networks refers to the feature within the Wanscale platform where the network can autonomously identify and correct issues without direct intervention from network administrators. The goal is to improve network availability and minimize unplanned downtime.

Why is Self Healing important?

Self Healing is important because it helps ensure the operational reliability of our platform and underlying network. It minimizes the impact of disruptions, optimizes performance, and enhances overall user experience.

How are issues identified using the Self Healing Network feature?

A Self Healing Network uses monitoring tools and specialized techniques to continuously monitor the network status. If it detects deviations such as increased latency or packet loss, the system can automatically respond by implementing corrective actions.

What types of issues can a Self Healing Network address?

A Self Healing Network can address various issues, including network congestion, link failures, application problems, and security incidents. It is designed to autonomously respond to a wide range of potential problems.

What measures can a Self Healing Network take to resolve issues?

Self Healing Networks can take various measures, such as rerouting traffic to available paths, automatically adjusting Quality of Service (QoS) settings, isolating faulty devices, and implementing security measures like blocking suspicious traffic.

How does Self Healing differ from traditional network monitoring and manual intervention?

Traditional network monitoring often requires manual intervention after an issue is detected. Self Healing Networks aim to automate this process by taking immediate action upon identifying a problem, thereby minimizing response time.

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Wanscale B.V.
Straatweg 60
3604 BC Maarssen

Wanscale makes networks intelligent, secure, and easy to manage.