A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

IOT security

Internet of Things (IoT) security is a crucial aspect of today’s digital world, where countless devices are connected to the internet to exchange data and automate processes. These networks of smart devices range from household gadgets to industrial systems and medical equipment.

IoT security focuses on protecting these devices and the data they generate from cyber threats such as unauthorized access, data breaches, and malware. As the connectivity and complexity of IoT networks continue to grow, robust security becomes increasingly important to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information.

I see the security of an IoT product as a chain.

If even one link in the chain breaks, the entire chain is at risk.

And when even the simplest IoT-connected device offers a wide range of attack surfaces, weak security can result in an unsafe situation, a data breach, downtime, and significant damage to a company’s reputation.

Securing IoT environments requires considering all elements in the chain: hardware, sensors, protocols, software, manufacturer portals, connected devices, accounts, cloud services, user apps, web interfaces, and voice control.

Such extensive interaction and connection make controlling security challenging and often underestimated.

Security starts with a suitable architecture that matches your unique IoT needs.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach suitable for all organizations. Hardware, software, and connectivity must all be secure for IoT devices to operate effectively. IoT product security must be an end-to-end consideration, with the best security practices taken into account at every step of the design and throughout the product’s long-term lifecycle.

More than just a technical solution

Securing IoT is more than just a technical solution.

IoT security is constantly evolving, with new vulnerabilities being regularly discovered, making it a journey rather than a destination.

This is the reality for many organizations now using IoT as part of their operational technology, leveraging the monitoring and security capabilities of the vendor. As trust grows in the ability of the technology to deliver innovation, efficiency, and usability, such applications are increasingly deployed in more critical parts of business operations.

The downside of this advancement is that as everything becomes an internet-connected device, cybersecurity becomes everything security.

Any organization using IoT devices or relying on services provided by such organizations must understand that they can be targeted through these IoT devices by criminal organizations or malicious actors. The more they rely on these devices, the more they become a target. “We are not a target” is never a completely safe assumption.

Not sure where to start?

Not sure where to start for your organization? Wanscale and its value-added partners have deep expertise in IoT security to support your organization with these challenges.

If you need a brainstorming session and would like to exchange experiences, please let me know.

Rens Braak 

SD-WAN in a day

SD-WAN binnen een dag

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, having reliable and fast internet connections is crucial. Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, seamless network connectivity can make the difference between success and stagnation. That’s why we are excited to offer our fast SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) solution, which can be implemented within 1 business day after ordering. But how do we achieve this, and what does it mean for your business?

What is SD-WAN?

SD-WAN is an innovative technology that helps businesses optimize and automate their network management. Instead of relying on expensive, physical infrastructures, SD-WAN uses software to manage traffic across the network. This results in improved performance, optimal availability, increased reliability, and lower operational costs.

Why speed is so important

In the digital age we live in, a single day without a reliable network connection can lead to significant losses. Think of missed sales opportunities, reduced productivity, and dissatisfied customers. Therefore, it is crucial to respond quickly and efficiently to connectivity issues. We understand this urgency and have tailored our products and services accordingly.

Our approach for fast delivery:

Equipment in stock

We have a stock of pre-configured SD-WAN equipment ready with our partners for immediate delivery. This means we don’t lose time on configuration processes, and partners can start the implementation right away.

The complexity of SD-WAN lies in our software

Our software platform manages the complexity of configuration. Installation examples for customer environments are ready to go. Creating a new environment or expanding an existing one is quickly and easily done through our partner’s intent-based portal.

Efficient Installation Processes

Thanks to streamlined and well-coordinated processes, we can quickly and efficiently execute the installation of SD-WAN. Clear connection instructions and manuals are provided. We leverage qualified partners to ensure that each step is carefully executed.

Local Expertise

With our strong presence and extensive partner network, we are able to operate quickly and effectively in all regions. We understand the local market, allowing us to respond promptly to the specific needs of businesses. Practical matters such as the type of power plug are noted in our portal when requesting a new location.

Who is this service for?

Our SD-WAN solution is designed for businesses of all sizes that require fast and reliable network connectivity. Whether you’re a startup needing rapid scalability, an established company looking to optimize your network, or an organization in urgent need of a temporary solution – we provide the solution you need.


In today’s world, fast and reliable network connectivity is essential. Our commitment to delivering an SD-WAN solution within 1 business day enables businesses to operate and grow without interruptions. By combining advanced technology, efficient processes, and a dedicated team, we ensure that your business stays connected at all times.

Do you urgently need a reliable network solution? Contact me to discover how we can deliver an SD-WAN solution tailored to your needs within 1 business day. In a world where speed and connectivity are crucial, we ensure that your business stays ahead of the curve.

Rens Braak

Expanding your WAN has never been easier before

WAN extension

Flexibility and scalability are essential when it comes to network infrastructure. Businesses continually evolve, and their network needs grow accordingly. Fortunately, the Wanscale platform makes expanding your Wide Area Network (WAN) easier than ever. With just a few steps, you can effortlessly add new locations to your existing network, thanks to the powerful and automated features of the Wanscale platform.

Your VNET is already prepared

The process starts with an essential foundation: your Virtual Network (VNET). If you’ve already created a VNET within the Wanscale platform, you’ve laid the groundwork for seamless expansion. This VNET serves as the backbone of your network, housing all settings and configurations.

Placement of the Service Edge

The next step in the expansion process is installing a Service Edge at the new location you wish to add to your WAN. The Service Edge is a critical device that serves as the interface between the new location and your existing network. Placing the Service Edge is straightforward and can be carried out by your IT team or with the assistance of Wanscale specialists.

Automatic configuration

One of the greatest advantages of the Wanscale platform is the automation of the configuration process. Once the Service Edge is placed and connected, it is automatically detected by the Wanscale platform. All necessary settings and configurations are then automatically pushed to the Service Edge. This includes network parameters, security settings, routing protocols, and Quality of Service (QoS) parameters.

Thanks to this automatic configuration, there is no need for manual settings, which minimizes the risk of errors and significantly reduces implementation time.

Seamless integration and management

After the automatic configuration, the new location is immediately operational and integrated into your existing WAN. The Wanscale platform ensures that all network traffic is managed efficiently and securely, regardless of the location. Your IT team can now monitor and manage all locations via the Wanscale portal. This ensures a consistent network experience and makes it easy to implement changes or resolve issues.

Benefits of Wanscale's Simple Expansion Process

Time Savings

Automating the configuration eliminates the need for time-consuming manual settings. This means new locations can be operational within minutes, allowing your organization to respond more quickly to changes and growth opportunities.

Reduced Complexity

By simplifying the expansion process, Wanscale reduces the complexity often associated with traditional network installations. This enables companies without extensive IT teams to manage their network infrastructure effortlessly.

Reliability and Consistency

Automatic configuration ensures consistent network settings across all locations. This increases the reliability of your network and ensures that each location meets the same security and performance standards.


The Wanscale platform is designed with scalability in mind. Whether you’re adding one location or dozens, the process remains equally simple and efficient. This makes Wanscale ideal for rapidly growing businesses with evolving network needs.


The automatic application of security settings means that your new locations are protected from potential threats right from the start. This helps your organization comply with compliance requirements and provides peace of mind.


Expanding your WAN with the Wanscale platform is a simple and efficient process that saves time, reduces complexity, and increases reliability. With the placement of a Service Edge and automated configuration, you can quickly and seamlessly add new locations to your network. This makes Wanscale the ideal choice for organizations seeking a flexible and scalable network infrastructure.

If you’re interested in expanding your WAN with additional locations within an hour of placing the Service Edge and want to learn more about how we accomplish this, please contact me or our other experts. Discover how simple it is to scale your network alongside your business needs.

Rens Braak

Not all SD-WAN solutions are the same

SD-WAN verschillen

In the world of digital transformation and network infrastructure, SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Networking) has become prominent. More and more organizations are turning to SD-WAN to optimize their network management and reduce costs. However, not all SD-WAN solutions are created equal. With an abundance of vendors each offering their unique approach and features, choosing the right solution can be a challenge.

In this article, I discuss the main differences between SD-WAN vendors at a high level and aim to assist organizations considering an SD-WAN implementation.

The SD-WAN market features numerous providers, each with their own approach to the concept. Some of the prominent players include Cisco, VMware, Fortinet, Silver Peak (now part of Aruba), and Versa Networks. While these vendors all offer SD-WAN solutions, their products vary significantly in functionality, performance, and pricing.

Major Differences Between SD-WAN Vendors

Architecture and Implementation

Some SD-WAN solutions, such as those from VMware and Cisco, offer flexible deployment options, both on-premises and in the cloud. Other vendors primarily focus on a cloud-based approach.

SD-WAN solutions can vary in how they manage and optimize network traffic. Some solutions are heavily edge-focused, placing intelligence at the network edge. Others, however, adopt a more centralized approach.


Vendors like Fortinet provide SD-WAN solutions with integrated security features such as firewalls, IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), and VPN (Virtual Private Network). Other vendors offer security as a separate module and charge additional fees for it.

Some SD-WAN providers implement a Zero Trust security model, where all network traffic is continuously validated, providing a higher level of security.


The ability to dynamically route traffic based on application needs varies among different vendors. Solutions like those from Silver Peak offer advanced functionalities for optimizing application performance.

Different vendors provide varying levels of commitments within their SLAs (Service Level Agreements). It’s important to examine the guarantees offered for network performance and uptime.

Management and Orchestration

The management platform can vary significantly in terms of user-friendliness and functionality. Vendors like Cisco offer comprehensive and user-friendly dashboards for network management.

Some SD-WAN solutions come with advanced automation and analytics tools that assist network administrators in proactively managing and optimizing the network.

What should you consider when choosing SD-WAN?

Specific requirements

Understand the complexity of your current network and the specific challenges you aim to address with an SD-WAN solution. Choose a solution that is scalable and can support your future business needs.


Consider the total cost of ownership (TCO), including initial implementation costs, licenses, maintenance, and operational expenses. Some vendors offer flexible licensing models that can range from pay-as-you-go to fixed annual licenses.


Ensure that the SD-WAN solution meets industry standards and compliance requirements specific to your sector. Decide whether you need a solution with built-in security capabilities or if you can integrate it with your existing security infrastructure.

Performance and reliability

Look at how the solution optimizes network and application performance and what SLAs (Service Level Agreements) are offered. Check the failover and redundancy mechanisms provided to ensure continuous network connectivity.


Choosing the right SD-WAN solution requires a thorough evaluation of various providers and their specific features. By considering the unique needs of your organization, cost structure, security requirements, and performance capabilities, you can make an informed decision. Not all SD-WAN solutions are created equal, and it is essential to make the right choice to fully leverage this innovative technology.

Rens Braak

Are you ready to find the best SD-WAN solution for your organization? Contact me or one of our other experts for personalized advice and discover which solution suits you best.

Do you need an SD-WAN solution?

Wanscale universe - SD-WAN

In the rapidly evolving world of corporate networks, SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Networking) has become a widely discussed technology. SD-WAN promises improved network performance, cost efficiency, and simplified management. However, the question remains: is it the right choice for your organization?

In this article, I discuss in simple terms which organizations can benefit from SD-WAN and when it might not be necessary.

For which organizations is SD-WAN beneficial?

Companies with multiple branches

SD-WAN is particularly beneficial for organizations with multiple locations, such as retail chains or businesses with multiple branches. It enables them to manage and optimize networks easily and cost-effectively using SD-WAN technology.

Organizations that rely on cloud applications

Businesses heavily reliant on cloud-based applications like Microsoft Teams, Salesforce, Slack, or Zoom can achieve significant benefits from using SD-WAN. It enhances performance for cloud applications by routing traffic directly to the nearest endpoint, reducing latency and improving user experience.

Companies that require high availability and reliability

For organizations in healthcare, financial services, or manufacturing facilities where downtime directly impacts operations, SD-WAN offers advanced failover capabilities. This ensures that the network automatically switches to a secondary connection if the primary connection fails, guaranteeing continuous and uninterrupted service.

Organizations looking to save on network management

Businesses with limited IT resources seeking cost savings in network management can also benefit from the advantages of SD-WAN. By centralizing and simplifying network management, SD-WAN can help reduce network management costs.

When is SD-WAN not a necessary solution?

Small businesses with a single location

For small businesses with only one office location, SD-WAN may not provide significant advantages over traditional network solutions. The complexity and costs of implementation could outweigh the benefits.

Organizations with stable and low bandwidth needs

If your organization does not have intensive bandwidth requirements and your current network performance is satisfactory, investing in SD-WAN may be unnecessary. Companies that primarily use basic internet services without heavy data or application demands can function well without an SD-WAN solution.

Companies with a limited IT budget

While SD-WAN can be cost-effective in the long term, the initial implementation requires an investment. Companies with a very limited IT budget should carefully consider whether the initial costs justify the expected benefits.

Organizations that already have a highly reliable and efficient MPLS solution

If your organization already uses a well-functioning IP-VPN solution and you are satisfied with its performance and costs, transitioning to SD-WAN may be unnecessary. MPLS generally continues to offer excellent reliability and performance for many businesses.


SD-WAN offers numerous benefits for organizations needing improved network performance, reliability, and cost-efficiency, especially those with multiple locations or heavy reliance on cloud applications. However, for smaller businesses or organizations with limited IT needs and budgets, SD-WAN may be an unnecessary and costly solution.

Rens Braak

Are you curious whether SD-WAN is the right solution for your organization? Feel free to reach out to me or one of our specialists at Wanscale for a no-obligation consultation.

Network management is no longer a complex puzzle

WAN uitbreiding

Dynamic network environments call for smart solutions.

Does your organization manage multiple networks with different locations, each having its own LAN, multiple internet services, and various segments for cloud, data centers, or applications? Managing all these networks efficiently can be challenging, especially when hybrid work is involved, spanning from home, office, and on the go.

For IT managers, managing these networks can indeed be a complex puzzle. At Wanscale, we strongly advocate for fragmented networks from a security standpoint, without making it overwhelming. We offer you the capability to connect, manage, and monitor all network segments and components through a single central platform based on SD-WAN and SASE technology.

Why stop using the traditional approach?

Many organizations use partial solutions where various applications and networks form a cohesive whole but still require separate management. This leads to gray areas and unclear demarcations of responsibilities, resulting in longer resolution times, limited flexibility, and little oversight.

The IT department has to perform many additional tasks. Adjustments become much more complex than necessary and take up a lot of time. This inefficiency is costly.

Network management is no longer a headache

Wanscale makes it easy for IT managers and IT directors to manage all external networks effortlessly. Network adjustments or expansions are within reach with just a few clicks. We provide you with an SD-WAN technology-based platform that allows you to easily set up a Virtual Network (VNET).


If you wish to connect a new network or location in the future, it’s straightforward. With just a few clicks, you can add a location to the VNET, and then easily implement the organization’s security policies.

100% uptime

Nearly every organization aims for 100% uptime and a stable network. Our platform features built-in intelligence that can determine the optimal connection for each application.

Network advice

Through the Wanscale portal, IT departments have access to tools that advise and support them in managing their networks. By analyzing network traffic and configurations within our platform, we use this data to provide users with advice. For instance, we can alert about a deviation in security policy configurations. We proactively notify about poorly performing connections, links, or connected services—tasks traditionally handled manually, now executed through our platform.

Why Wanscale?

Wanscale offers a cloud-based connectivity platform based on proprietary SD-WAN and SASE technology. The platform enables you to establish secure connections between different locations, the internet, the cloud, and SaaS providers.

User-friendly platform

The platform, including the accompanying user-friendly portal, makes it easy for IT managers to manage external networks and simultaneously modify settings for multiple networks.

Independence from providers

A major advantage of our solution is that you can maintain and combine existing connections or providers. You can keep all current contracts or relationships with connectivity providers intact.

Multi-Tenant Environment

Multi-tenancy enables the ability to serve multiple independent tenants within our platform.

End-to-End encryption

All data between the Service Edges on-site and the platform is end-to-end encrypted.

Centralized Policy Management

Unified Policies ensure a single set of policies that are automatically deployed across all active network components by the smart orchestration function of the platform.

Multi-Cloud support

Dankzij multi-cloud-routing worden alle locaties, clouds en datacenters naadloos met elkaar verbonden.


Met behulp van ons connectivity platform vormt netwerkbeheer geen uitdaging meer. Dat bespaart niet alleen geld, maar zorgt zeker voor gemak en rust.

Rens Braak

P.S. behoefte aan sparren en ervaren hoe simpel wij het beheren van een WAN omgeving hebben gemaakt, laat het mij weten.

Highest possible availability

99 procent available

Very spoiled in the Netherlands

We are very spoiled in the Netherlands. Access to the Internet is almost always and everywhere available, and we take that for granted.

We use our computers, tablets, and smartphones daily and surf the World Wide Web effortlessly. We stream videos, send emails, and share all sorts of things on social media. Internet access is as taken for granted as water coming from the tap. But appearances can be deceiving. Behind the scenes, ingenious technologies, software, and systems work tirelessly to keep the digital highway running.

And precisely all those invisible elements are crucial for our modern society. We have various types of networks: fixed networks over fiber optics, coaxial cables, and copper, mobile networks over 4G or 5G, and recently, thanks largely to Starlink, satellite networks.

Behind all these networks are organizations and people who work tirelessly to keep everything up and running, aiming for an uptime approaching 100%. Despite all the good efforts, things occasionally go wrong, and outages sometimes occur. For most consumers, this is not a major issue; a bit of downtime is at most annoying or inconvenient, but rarely insurmountable.

In the business world, this is very different, as even a few minutes of downtime can be more than just inconvenient or annoying. Most companies that rely on internet access, their cloud applications, their payment providers, or perhaps their own data in the data center have taken necessary measures in the form of redundancy.

Often to prevent loss of revenue, avoid financial penalties, or suffer from damage to their reputation.


Depending on the size of the company or the impact of an outage on that company, measures are taken to minimize or completely eliminate the consequences of communication failures.

Often, multiple connections from different providers are obtained, possibly through geographically separated routes. To automate failovers, BGP and VRRP are commonly used. In some cases, a second connection via the mobile network using 4G or 5G is chosen, and increasingly via Starlink.

Simply because this approach also eliminates the consequences of digging damages.

Another factor that is sometimes overlooked is maintenance work on carriers’ or providers’ networks. In most cases, these activities occur during the nighttime hours, but even this can lead to problems because many businesses operate 24/7. Consider all the online shops and the entire logistics chain dependent on them.

Primary and secondary connection

In many cases, a failover solution consists of a primary and secondary connection. When the primary connection fails, BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is used to switch over to the secondary connection.

To maintain the same IP address, it’s necessary for this solution to be provided by a single vendor. However, this remains a risk. An alternative solution involving two different providers also has disadvantages unless a very clever solution is used that always selects the best path.

Swiftly and while retaining IP addresses, ensuring that all sessions are unaffected. Even VPNs used by remote workers remain intact, and ATMs continue operating seamlessly.

Power outage

Electricity is becoming increasingly less reliable these days. A power outage in a neighborhood or on an industrial estate can cause both wired and mobile provider networks to be temporarily unavailable.

As an organization, you can take measures by equipping your own network equipment with a backup power supply based on a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) or emergency generator. This resilience extends further into the chain than initially considered. If you rely on a single business provider for both fiber optic and 4G services, you are still completely cut off in the event of a power outage.

Provider Points of Presence (POPs) or telecom masts are typically not equipped with backup power supplies like data centers are. Considering these scenarios often goes beyond initial thoughts and is necessary when high availability of connectivity is crucial for an organization.

Wanscale solution

The solution from Wanscale is provider-independent and is entirely based on the principles of SD-WAN and SASE.

By placing a Service Edge at your location, you can not only use a variety of suppliers and technologies but also aim for the highest possible availability.

Simply combine all the possibilities available at your location and integrate them into the best solution.

Add to that the capabilities of a self-healing network and standard end-to-end encryption for maximum data security, and you can sleep peacefully at night.

Rens Braak

P.S. If you need to brainstorm about high availability, backup scenarios, or failovers, let me know.

Are you looking for staff, or

andere oplossing

is there another solution?

Organizations constantly face challenges. One of the most crucial aspects today is finding the right personnel. Headhunters and recruitment agencies are all busy with this, as traditionally this problem is addressed by posting job openings, conducting interviews, and selecting candidates.

But what if we approach this issue from a completely different perspective?

Thinking outside the box

Rethinking is a creative approach where problems are turned into opportunities, offering a fresh perspective on this dilemma. Let’s consider how companies can rethink their search for personnel.

Let’s not only consider traditional methods of recruitment but also explore the modern possibilities that technology offers us. Perhaps we can empower people already on board with tools that enable them to fulfill the desired roles.


This approach can create a win-win situation. The organization not only solves the problem but also provides an opportunity for promotion to an existing employee, who gets a new chance within the company to make a valuable contribution.

“Instead of clinging to old patterns, we can also explore new paths.”

To be very concrete, I’ll choose the following example from everyday practice. Many IT companies or system integrators are looking for network administrators, people who know all the ins and outs of a Wide Area Network (WAN). True specialists are hard to find and can also be expensive.

Needle in a haystack

Of course, we can continue searching for the well-known needle in a haystack and spend a lot of money on recruiting a network specialist. In my opinion, there is also a very different solution that may not be so obvious.

WC eend

From now on, my story may have a bit of a bias, but I’ll take that risk. Have you ever considered offering tools to other people within your organization, such as a system administrator, so that they can effectively manage a Wide Area Network with their existing knowledge?

A very different solution than you might expect, but highly realistic. And all because there’s a very innovative platform that automates many of the tasks required to manage a WAN, without the need for deep configuration knowledge.

Curious? Then get in touch with me!

Join the Wanscale universe !

Rens Braak

Wanscale universe - blog personeel
Join the Wanscale universe!

The similarities between energy transition and cloud transition

Energietransitie versus cloudtransitie blog Wanscale

Energy transition

The energy transition is a topic encountered everywhere: in politics, in newspapers, on TV, during social gatherings, and even in sports venues. The discussion often revolves around solar panels, electric cars, wind turbines, hydrogen, and nuclear power plants. What ultimately is the solution to our climate goals?

The answer likely lies in a combination of these technologies, with a focus on placing humans at the center. Personally, I don’t have enough knowledge of the energy transition to provide a well-founded opinion, but what I do know is that I drive many kilometers weekly in my electric car and live with my family in an energy-neutral house. In terms of living and working, I feel quite comfortable with this setup in the current times.

Cloud transition

The transition to the cloud has been a process underway for quite some time, much longer than the energy transition. I still remember the time “when electricity was just normal,” and that doesn’t even seem so long ago. For nearly 15 years, I have actively participated in the cloud transition from various perspectives. I’ve witnessed the emergence of terms like private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and even the sovereign cloud.

Along the way, many obstacles have been overcome, and old discussions often resurface in new forms. Questions about data location, vendor lock-in, and other challenges are familiar. We’ve learned a lot from the early days of cloud migrations: some legacy applications or systems turned out to be unsuitable, adoption wasn’t always smooth, and users had to adjust to their new environments.

The shift from CAPEX to OPEX was not always accurately estimated in the long term. Customers and suppliers didn’t always clearly define responsibilities upfront, and sometimes we had to rely on manufacturers eager to offer their best products.

Meanwhile, the transition to the cloud generally proceeds smoothly. There are countless options, many off-the-shelf building blocks, and experienced suppliers. The infrastructure is robust, and there is almost always a form of cloud that specifically fits the desired situation.

What I’ve learned most in the past 15 years during the cloud transition is that there are suitable solutions for every situation. Forward thinking and anticipation are essential and crucial. When we integrate something into a solution, we must already consider how we can eventually phase it out. This keeps our solutions dynamic and prevents surprises.


In my view, the cloud transition and the energy transition share one clear similarity: there is no one-size-fits-all solution that works in every case. It’s about a combination of technologies and a human-centered approach.

And as for the energy transition, that discussion is likely to continue for some time, not least due to societal acceptance. Not everyone is convinced of the necessity of the energy transition.

Based on my experience, I believe that many setbacks, bad experiences, and new inventions will ultimately lead to the most suitable end result.

Join the Wanscale universe !

Rens Braak

Wanscale solar and wind

Simplify the management of your Wide Area Network

Wanscale universe

Times are changing

In the complex world of network management, managing a Wide Area Network (WAN) has always been a challenging task that required specialized knowledge. With the advent of Wanscale, this dynamic will change permanently.

Wanscale offers a solution that simplifies WAN management to the extent that specialized network administrators are no longer necessary. This task can now be handled by system administrators.

What does this mean in concrete terms and what benefits does it provide?

Accessibility and Efficiency

One of the biggest advantages of Wanscale is accessibility. System administrators, who typically have broad knowledge of IT systems, can now perform WAN management tasks with minimal training. This eliminates the need for additional staff solely dedicated to network management.

Cost savings

Integrating WAN management into the role of system administrators can lead to significant cost savings. Companies save on the expenses of hiring specialized network administrators and can allocate these resources elsewhere, such as improving their services or products.

Flexibility and Speed

With Wanscale, system administrators can quickly respond to changes and needs within the network. This enables more flexible and dynamic network management, which is essential in an era where business environments are rapidly evolving.

Improved collaboration

Simplifying WAN management also enhances collaboration between various IT disciplines. System administrators and network professionals can combine their expertise to create a more integrated and cohesive IT infrastructure.


Wanscale’s innovative solution transforms WAN management by making it more accessible, cost-effective, and flexible. It empowers system administrators to take on the role of network managers, resulting in a more integrated and efficient IT environment.

This is a game-changer for companies aiming to optimize and modernize their network management.

Join the Wanscale universe !

Rens Braak